Roadkill Café
Serving the Finest of Illinois Roadside Delicacies

Eating food is more fun…When you know it was hit on the run!
Center Line Bovine (straight from the hood) | $4.95 |
The Chicken (that didn't cross the road) | $3.95 |
Flat Cat (served as a single or in a stack) | $2.95 |
Late Night Delight
Served Fresh Each Night After 12:00pm!
Rack of Raccoon | $3.95 |
Smear of Deer | $4.95 |
Awesome Possum | $1.95 |
Cheap Sheep | $0.43 |
Canine Cuisine
“You’ll eat like a hog when you taste our dog!”
Pit Bull Pot Pie | $1.95 |
Shar-Pei Fillet | $5.95 |
Poodles 'n Noodles | $5.95 |
Snippet of Whippet | $4.50 |
Collie Hit by a Trolley | $3.95 |
German Shepherd Pie | $3.95 |
Round of Hound | $4.25 |
Cocker Cutlets | $3.95 |
Slab of Lab | $2.95 |
A Taste of the Wild Side
(Still in the hide)
Chunk of Skunk | $1.95 |
Smidgen of Pidgeon | $1.95 |
Road Toad ala mode | $1.65 |
Rigor Mortis Tortoise | $6.75 |
Narrow Sparrow | $0.55 |
Shake 'n Bake Snake | $2.25 |
Whippoorwill on the Grill | $3.30 |
Swirl of Squirrel | $1.55 |

Outdoor Dining at It’s Finest!
Have supper served at our famous roadside tables…An engrossing view!
Gopher Loaf | $2.95 |
Lizard's 'n Gizzards | $2.50 |
Armadillo Surprise | $6.50 |
Rammed Lamb | $3.95 |
Bagels 'n Fox | $4.95 |
U-Name-It Kebob | $5.00 |
Bugs on da Glass | $0.50 |
Croaker Yogurt | $1.00 |
Cream of Frog | $3.75 |
Crescent of Pheasant | $4.50 |
Tired Turtle | $5.50 |
Terrier Teriaki | $5.95 |
Spare Bear Ribs | $5.50 |

A Daily Treat!
Guess That Mess…It can’t be beat!
If you can guess what it is…You eat it for free!