
March 21, 2022

By Lea Splane

Yesterday, as I was doing an afternoon walk and listening and praying to worship music, the song by Chris Tomlin came on, “Nobody Loves Me Like you Love Me Jesus,” and I realized that this September will mark 30 years since I first went to Israel to work with my friends, Asher and Betty, to begin their ministry there ‒ September 3, 1992. I had never been out of the country before. God blessed me on the non-stop El Al flight to sit next to a couple who were Holocaust survivors. I saw the tattoos on their arms, and me being me, asked them to share their stories, which they were gracious enough to do. That was only the beginning of all the things He would do and show me while I lived in Jerusalem.

Just 5 years prior to that day, I had come to the El Shaddai Congregation in Frederick Maryland, after almost 15 years of living as a prodigal, as God sovereignly called me back to Him. I am writing this mainly to encourage those of you who have prodigals in our family, or just friends whom you love, and who wandered away from God.

Several years ago, I reconnected with my best friend from high school, Sharon Shaull. She was the person who was instrumental in leading me to faith in Jesus. We lost touch for 30 years, but we reconnected through a site. She told me that she prayed for me every year on my birthday. I really believe those prayers are what really helped to bring me back to my faith in Jesus.

Don’t give up praying for them. God is faithful and answers the prayers of the faithful. He did for me, and I am so grateful He did that for me.

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