
December 12, 2011

By Lea Splane

Lately, perhaps the past few months even, God has been asking me this question, “Where is your focus?” I have pondered that question a lot, and in so many situations that I have found myself.

Is it about the fact that I have so much excess weight on my body that I can’t seem to lose no matter what? Or is it on the fact that I have a body that functions well in spite of the extra weight?

Is it on the fact that my job is extremely stressful and almost more than I can handle at times? Or is it on the fact that I have a really good job that pays well and has good benefits?

Is it on the fact that I really miss my friends in Maryland sometimes and long for those friendships? Or is it on the fact that they are still my friends after almost 24 years of knowing them?

Is it on the fact that I long to be in a Messianic congregation where I can experience all the atmosphere and music and congregational life that I love so much? Or is it on the fact that God allowed me to be a part of that fellowship, so I would be able to be at home in any fellowship, because I know what covenant really means?

I am by natural tendency negative.  I see the glass half empty – I see the problem first before I see the solution. But God wants me to see the glass half full and wonder at the possibilities in the solution to every problem.

Life is filled with so many choices every day. Do we choose to be positive, life-affirming, looking for the possibilities, or do we choose death and all that goes with it? I am working on choosing life and seeing that glass full.

It’s really all about where we choose to put our focus.

Philippians 4:8
New International Version (NIV)

 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  

Photo by chase_elliott

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1 Comment

  1. Holly

    Love it…I am trying hard to look at life the same way! It is very challenging, but the only way that leads to life…