Musings from the Midwest

Mary Louise

Mary Louise

My mother, Mary Louise Henderson, was born April 7, 1914 in Hot Springs, South Dakota. She was the 2nd of four...

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In One Moment

In One Moment

I remember a moment when I was 15 years old and walking past a convent where the Catholic nuns lived. I perceived from...

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Yesterday, as I was doing an afternoon walk and listening and praying to worship music, the song by Chris Tomlin came...

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Small Miracles

Small Miracles

In 1992, I moved to Jerusalem to work with a Messianic Rabbi and his family. I had been working for them for about 4...

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Ants and Insomnia

Ants and Insomnia

I looked at the time again as I sat on the couch, playing my game on my phone. It was 2:00 AM! I had to be up at 5:00...

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We were driving home from a doctor's appointment a while back and saw the license plate in front of us that said...

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To Grow or Not?

To Grow or Not?

The weeks have worn on and I am still in therapy for my broken shoulder. I thought it would be over by now and my arm...

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Blessings in Disguise

Blessings in Disguise

On a Friday evening last April, I stood up from my sofa to walk into another room. As I did, I caught my foot on a piece of furniture, and was catapulted into the air, falling and landing hard on my left shoulder. I knew as soon as it happened that it was a bad injury. At first, I could not sit up and I could not move my arm. I had to hold it close to my body with my other hand. The pain was intense.

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Freedom in Bondage?

Freedom in Bondage?

We have four cats, and a huge fenced back yard where they can go out and roam around. We don’t let them roam free in...

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A Family of My Own

A Family of My Own

In 1994, when I lived in Jerusalem, a friend and coworker there gave me a portion of Scripture that he said was a...

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A Woman’s Gift

A Woman’s Gift

Today the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, gave birth to a son. The world is watching in excitement. I never had...

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My husband, Ken, planted a large sunflower garden in our backyard. There are several different varieties, Russian...

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A Valentine Gift

A Valentine Gift

I work for a very large company in the Midwest. Every Valentine's Day there are several tables at the Security...

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Lately, perhaps the past few months even, God has been asking me this question, “Where is your focus?” I have pondered...

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Cat Hair

Cat Hair

Have you ever visited someone and left with your clothes covered in pet hair? I have and I was convinced I did not...

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Bare Wood

Bare Wood

My husband and I spent the better part of today working in our back yard. My husband was planting flowers, laying down...

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Dandylynes - that's how my husband pronounces dandelions. This spring there were hundreds and hundreds of them in our...

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